
APRIL / M A Y 2007

Last time updated 2 May, 2007

pHinn, pHinnWeb, Kompleksi, pHinnMilk Recordings, Tampere, Finland

psychedelic cats sneaking in the shadows of complexes

The Band: Music from Big Pink
Roy Budd: Get Budd (2-CD)
Chicks on Speed: Art Rules (CDR)
Holger Czukay: Good Morning Story (CD)
Butthole Surfers: Hairway To Steven / Locust Abortion Technician (CDs)
Julie Driscoll, Brian Auger & The Trinity: s/t (CD)
Episode Six: Love Hate Revenge (2-CD)
The Hollies: All The Hits And More (2-CD)
Imatran Voima: Welfare State Of Mind (2-LP)
M.A. Numminen: Kiusankappaleita 2 (2-CD)
Prince: The Vault - Old Friends 4 Sale (CD)
Scion: Scion Arrange And Process Basic Channel Tracks (CD)
Siniaalto: Kuolema (CD)
The Stone Roses: Second Coming (CD)
Suicide: Suicide (2-CD)
V/A: Moog - Original Film Soundtrack (CD)
Stevie Wonder: Music of My Mind (CD)


Leena Krohn: Mehiläispaviljonki (book)
Arto Melleri: Kummitusjutun ilmakehä: lastuja / Rubiinisilmäinen pääkallosormus (books)
Veijo Meri: Manillaköysi (book)
Richard Witts: Nico: The Life and Lies of an Icon (book)


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Unidentified Sound Objects, Helsinki, Finland

1. Mustafa Ozkent - Genclik Ile Elele CD
2. J.Karjalainen - Lännen-Jukka LP
3. Imatran Voima - Welfare State Of The Mind 2LP
4. Pole - Steingarten 2LP
5. Adult. - Why Bother? CD
6. LCD Soundsystem - Sound Of Silver CD
7. VA - Big Apple Rapping 2CD
8. Serge Gainsbourg - Cannabis movie soundtrack CD
9. Elina Katara - Omistamisen ihanuus ja taakka exhibition
10. Ilkka Vekka - Exhibition@myymälä2
11. Kuvataideakatemian Lopputyönäyttely - 9.5.-3.6.07 @ HKI Taidemuseo/Tennispalatsi

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