what people say about kompleksi
From Global Darkness Bulletin Board -
"Well, I have this track ['The Only Star In My Sky'] on CD for a while and I really like the vocals and music as well, pure own style ;) ... indeed ['Sarah Pain'] is something... Just listening to it, pHinn, and I also think 'Porno Tampere' version is nice. I'm trying to figure out how the character of the voice looks like!? More music like this on MTV and on the radio, the people need it, but don't realize it in a 'perfect' world like this..." - Luke Eargoggle, Stilleben Records, Sweden [13 Oct '03] "I like the 'Sarah Pain' track very much!" - Marquis de Blanco a.k.a. Danny Wolfers, Legowelt, Holland [13 Oct '03] "I second the Marquis. That track ['Sarah Pain'] is deeply touching in how fragile and open it is. Few would dare." - Kassen, Bunker Records, Holland [13 Oct '03] And others:
"I'm listening to Kompleksi now, it's very entertaining. Really nice, sounds like you guys had loads of fun. You must have kicked the Prozac." - Melissa, Chicks on Speed, Germany [27 Oct '04] "Hey, I really liked the Kompleksi CD you sent! Thanks! You rock!" - Alex, Chicks on Speed, Germany [30 Nov '04]
"My own favourites are 'Lovechild' and 'Sarah Pain'." -Tuomas Rantanen, Tampere, Finland [3 Jan '04]
"Kompleksi is what pop wants to be. I seem to remember some questioning of the vocal stylings from Global Darkness Bulletin Board. My two cents? Vocals are perfect. Your voice sounds how my heart feels. Spot on. Intonations are magically simple. Better music could not be made to support the vox, so pass it it on. Can't wait for a full length. From a fan in Brooklyn" - Jason Watts, NYC, USA [9 Jan '04] "To let you know that 'Moscow 1980' was one of the best songs of 2003, actually of the last years... the OMD style might be the best. Your vocals reminisced my girlfriend of Ian Curtis!" - Juho Pätäri, Finland/Japan [10 Jan '04] "I love the tracks & the vocal style is original + cool too! ... Last but not least, I'm head over heels for the B&W cover collage! It screams PHINN To me!" - Lolly Pop, Telephone, the Twin Cities, USA [31 Mar '05] "Just been listening to ['(I Ain't No) Lovechild'] again, it's fantastic; makes me laugh/cry" - Ann Shenton / Large Number, UK [18 Apr '05] "Totally not my cuppa tea. Almost broke my headphones. Are all those overdrives planned or mistakes? Only way to make me listen this track again is to feed me with truckload of weed... As I said before, not my cuppa tea..." - JayFish (on Kompleksi vs Club Telex Noise Ensemble track 'Kompleksi'), Turku, Finland [21 Apr '05]
'(I Ain't No) Lovechild'/'Moscow 1980' 7" review by Byron Coley, The Wire [Aug '05] Kompleksi Demo 2004 review by Tim Bray a.k.a. Casionova, Australia [25 Aug '05] ... and a review of the previous review by Some Guy, USA [27 Aug '05] 'I Ain't No) Lovechild'/'Moscow 1980' 7" review by L.D., Blastitude, USA [Aug '05]
"Jaa.. ok, tää on demoraita eli sen mukainen palaute: raitamiksaus ei toimi sit yhtään. Onko tarkoitus korostaa vain ärsyttävää voksua ja jättää rummut jonnekin taustalle ja kulunutta bleepbeissiä nostaa esiin muiden kustannuksella? Oikeesti jo kelasin et tän biisin on pakko olla joku trollimainosbanderolli sillä tää kuulostaa erityisluokalla olevien ala-asteikäisten tekeleeltä (kaikki kunnia toki heitä kohtaan). Vokaaliraita on jotain aivan järkyttävää, rummut mitäänsanomattomat, bassokuvio *sigh* niin kulunut saundeiltaan ja pari pientä kikkaa siellä täällä... haloo? Kuuluuko? :) Kunnioitus toki teitä kohtaan, tää ei oo henkilökohtaista, tää on vain subjektiivinen palaute ilman henkilökohtaista referointia :) Itse en vain oikein ymmärrä et mikä tässä biisissä on se juttu? Missä tätä kuuntelee? Jossain törkeessä psykoosissa? Ja mikä v*ttu tää biisi oikeesti on? Tää kuuluis mikseri.nettiin :) Huh huh." - _U (at Platinum on Kompleksi vs. Citizen Omega track 'No Alternatives'), Espoo, Finland [1 Sep '05]
"Hi guys, heard 'Betrayal' on the WAD show, mondmod session. Greetings for this great tracks! Love it :) Keep on rocking. Best," - aratkiLo, France [9 Nov '05] "Thanks for the single, I received it two days ago. Like it very much, some beautiful singing going on there, very cool!" - Catriona Shaw a.k.a. Miss Le Bomb, Scotland/Berlin [6 Feb '06]
"'What the Hell are you staring at?' sneers a voice at the start of '(I Ain't No) Lovechild' by Kompleksi, wh/ pretty much sets the tone for the rest of this song: a cynical, whiney, complain-y voice (that sounds like Devo after they finally lost their virginity) over crumpled H. league/Robert Rental tape-drums and synthmooosh-bass and splatchy percussives. There's a jagged, art-punk feel to this: it's charity-shop, not cat-walk...I love the way they've hoovered all the glam out of synthpop and drawn a felt-tip sneer and a Mona Lisa moustache on its face. It's a Tampere Porno Product, innit.
The flip-side 'Moscow Nineteen Eighty' sounds like it ought to sound like Telex, but opts instead for some sort of parallel universe rewrite of US foreign policy, aided by vocoders, clipped synthetik beats and Daniel Miller's dusty old Korg. It has a strange, twisted, shimmery beauty as it cruises the red-light district of Helsinki with a limp...imagine if Swell Maps had mugged Depeche Mode for their clothes and ended up on TOTP. Yeeeah!
'What? Ever? Happened? To? Your? Dreams?' asks the vocalist, on the outro. For a moment, he sounds close to tears. Or drunk. [...] yeah, I think you might like this, as it has a feel that directly links back to the Sheffield pioneers, tho' it's wonderfully shamble-y too...there's sposed to be an album floating round somewhere too; maybe we should form a label and put it out for them!" - kek-w @ Kid Shirt blog [3 Nov '06]
'(I Ain't No) Lovechild'/'Moscow 1980' 7" review @ Masinamusa blog, Estonia [English version] [25 Apr '10]
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