(I Ain't No) Lovechild [MP3 excerpt]
Moscow 1980 (with Polytron) [MP3 excerpt]
The Only Star In My Sky (Tampere Edit) [MP3]
The Only Star In My Sky (Tampere Edit) [ogg vorbis] WEB EXCLUSIVE DEMO TRACKS:
'Battlestar Erotica' [MP3]
Kompleksi vs Citizen Omega: 'Betrayal' [MP3]
Kompleksi vs Citizen Omega: 'No Alternatives' [MP3]
Kompleksi vs Club Telex Noise Ensemble: 'Kompleksi' (originally titled as 'CTNE'). [MP3] Also available as [ogg vorbis]. >> Listen to more Kompleksi tracks @ MySpace
Polytron: Porno Tampere - original
All lyrics here.