? (Finland)
From The Edge Of Nowhere - Finnish Underground-Sound Compilation
FEON-0193 (CD)
1. Chamelon: Save The Bears (138-142) (4:37)
2. Noise Production: Extermination (146) (4:48)
3. JS 16: Take Me Higher (128) (4:20)
4. Dancenation: Technology (134) (3:41)
5. Mono Junk / Sinthetic: Feel Your Life (Remix) (130) (4:29)
6. Mixmaster K: Heartbreak (Feon Garagemix) (129) (4:46)
7. 747: Amsterdam Is Burning (Shorcut Mix) (127) (3:34)
8. Metal Bass feat. Mr Kirk: Fear (Kleinmisch) (154) (4:25)
9. Dynacord: Accelerando (132) (4:26)
10. Psyklone: Apokalyptiko (144) (4:31)
11. Brainscan: ED-209 (146) (4:36)
12. Splendide_Mendax: Ethereal Discord (125) (3:57)
13. Naked Eye: With You (131) (4:32)
14. SQ2: Terradome (156) (4:40)
15. Dr. M: Still Alive (High-Fly Mix) (175) (4:02)
full bpm: intro 175, brejk 1000, end 120
16. 747: Amsterdam Is Burning (Massive Radio Remix) (127) (3:44)
17. Supermario: The Bounce (144) (4:43)CREDITS:
1. Written by mixmaster k. Arranged by mixmaster k & chameleon. Recorded at dancebeatstudio 1. Engineered and produced by mixmaster k for dancebeatproduction 1993. Special thanks club berlin, probe, juan atkins, derrick may.
2. Written and arranged by droid & mike "not" platinas. Recorded at noise production studio. Engineer mike. Produced by noise production. Special thanks mike: my real frineds cd-78, cd-8000, ex-800, dw-6000 and my first machine juno-6, bass limiter (dad), analogy is still alive! droid: sandy, space hybrids, b-drow, duel, sequence, machines.
3. Written and arranged by jaakko salovaara. Recorded at dancebeatstudio 1. Engineered and produced by mixmaster k for dancebeatproduction 1993. Special vocal sample maija liittokivi.
4. Written and arranged by captain & dj patu. Recorded at dn studio. Engineered and produced by dancenation.
5. Written and arranged by k. rapatti & p. salonen. Vocals sinthetic. Recorded at dancebeatstudio 2 (sonic research). Engineer psyklone. Produced by k. rapatti & p. salonen. Original version made s192 on 12" duum-009.
6. Written and produced by kari kaivola. Recorded at dancebeatstudio 1. Engineered and produced by mixmaster k for dancebeatproduction 1993. This song is also available on 12" remix dancebeat records dbr 1092r. Special thanks 3rd nation, psyklone, js 16, nss crew, mixmusic, finnmusic, banker & straitroad, mr. kirk, minna i love u.
7. Written and arranged by nss crew. Engineer dj turbo. Produced by 747 for new star studio ltd 1992. Available on 12" timeoutrecords tr 102. Special thanks timeout crew & customers, mixmaster k for inspiration, js 16, vexu & m.l. & jukka, psyklone, sq2, pauliina, jaana i love u.
8. Written and arranged by mr. kirk. Engineered and produced by mixmaster k for dancebeatproduction 1993. Special thanks for the entire metal bass family, mixmaster k, psyklone.
9. Written by juha vesala. Arranged by kristian björstäkt, ville väisänen & juha vesala. Recorded at dancebeat studio 1. Engineered and produced by mixmaster k for dancebeatproduction 1993. Special thanks kaippa aka mixmaster k, jaakko k, karoliina i, the bathroomstudios, vampyr 6006 mikestand, klf, everything dynacreative and accelerating, peace...
10. Written and arranged by psyklone. Recorded at dancebeat studio 2 (sonic research). Engineered and produced by psyklone for dancebeatproduction 1993. Special thanks mixmaster k, dj sam, finnmusic, mr. kirk, ensonic for creating all those weird products (asr-10 is beautiful). This song is also available on 12" remix dancebeat records dbr-1092r.
11. Written and arranged and words by ed-209.
12. Written and arranged by splendide_mendax. Recorded at dancebeat studio 2 (sonic reasearch). Engineered and produced by psyklone for dancebeatproductions 1993.
13. Written and arranged by m+m. recorded at dancebeat studio 1. Engineered and produced by mixmaster k for dancebeatproduction 1993.
14. Written, arranged and engineered by sq2. Special thanks brainscan, psyklone, dj promo.
15. Written by doktor masala. Arranged by doktor siren. Words doktor mäkelä. Recorded at dancebeat studio 2 (sonic research). Engineer doktor siren. Produced by psyklone. Special thanks kunkku pub. doktor foba.
16. Written and arranged by nss crew & mixmaster k. Recorded at dancebeat studio 1. Engineered and produced by mixmaster k for dancebeat productions 1993. Special thanks timeout crew, mixmaster k, js 16. vexu & m.l. & jukka, psyklone, sq2, pauliina, jaana, contact fax 358-21-512 996.
17. Written, engineered and produced eliot ness & DAT. Recorded at pallohiili studio. Respect to our cat. full version available on 4 track vision compilation 12" ion-104. Mastered at finnvox studio "digital alcove" by mike johnny l.a. 5.11.92. Cover art logomotif/antti. Cover photograph sunlight studio/peikko. Executive producers mixmaster k, psyklone and mr. kirk.
AVANTO RECORDINGS (Helsinki, Finland):
Various Artists
November 2000
1. Kaffe Matthews: In Light B (5:38)
2. Hecker: Hyperbolic Cosine µEA (3:28)
3. Op:l Bastards: Apina-Aulis (6:54)
4. Pink Twins: Täsä (6:17)
5. Scanner: Open Work (6:01)
6. Pita: Nocroc (6:01)
7. Es: Kukat ovat hyviä kuuntelijoita (3:43)
8. Ian Helliwell: Into The Light (5:00)
9. Myriam Bessette: Nutation (2:34)
10. Merzbow: Routemaster (17:07)
11. Ovuca: Hulva (6:04)
12. Pan sonic: Johto 4 (6:04)All tracks previously unreleased. This compilation copyright Avanto Recordings 2000. All rights reserved. Made in Finland.
NOTE: this was a compilation of international and Finnish artists published in conjunction with Avanto festival of electronic music in Helsinki, November 2000.
BOSMOX FINLAND (Helsinki, Finland)
Team Young Finland
Team Young Finland In Spain (12")
11th April, 2005
A1. Black Viking: Body Work
A2. Paskar Af Hasa: Kank-Kusessa
A3. Mr Finland: 2002
A4. Mr Finland: Siniristi
B1. Secret Wisdom: Disco Number
B2. Secret Wisdom: Punapanta
B3. Full Effect: Night In Rome
B4. Full Effect: Words Of Wisdom 1-4
Motiivi Tuntematon
1939 (12")
freundinnen 011
20 June, 2005
A. 1939
B. Floor DefenderCredits:
A. Ercola/Kaukolampi/Koivisto
B. Ercola/Kaukolampi
EXPERT-LEVYMUOTI (Helsinki, Finland)
Johnny Hi'Way
Höyryklub Life
Expert-Levymuoti NRO. 1
September 1999Additional info sheet | Expert Stereo Tape Club
NOTE: Expert-Levymuoti was a record label founded by Vilunki 3000.
FOXIES [sic] RECORDS, (Spain [?])
House Music Is My Life
A1. Robo feat. MC Irwin: Cyberchrist (3:08)
A2. Bach Bach: Sensuella (5:32)
A3. Opel Bastards: Funking (2:59)
A4. Banxxx: Ain't It So (6:18)
A5. DJ Maverick: Planets (6:18)
B1. Ju-Ju Louis: Manoeuvres In The Dark (4:12)
B2. John Staker: Sideshow Marbles (8:32)
B3. Dance Experience: Music Is Crazy (Oh-Oh-La-La-La) (4:43)
B4. Fernando: El Zuki-Zuki (1:40)
B5. Shadowchaser: Disco Tropico (6:18)NOTE: it was rumoured that some Finnish techno personalities appear on this release.
House Life
A1. ConfidentialMemo: From Singapore With Love (4:08)
A2. DrumDrome: Already Dead (5:27)
B1. GrooveAMatic: Equality (4:30)
B2. SlowSmoke: Sensuous Love (8:03)
B3. E-Mode: House Life (6:12)
Bootsound and Bootsound America are trademarks of Bootsound Entertainment Inc.
© 1983 BoSo Publishing.NOTE: it was rumoured that some Finnish techno personalities appear on this release.
Nephilim 23020
A1. Lion Mosquitto [132 bpm / 7:45]
A2. Mushroom Flash [143 bpm / 7:52]
B1. Spectral Heads [139 bpm / 6:16]
B2. White Lies [137 bpm / 8:25]
All Trax written and produced by P. Koskinen & P. Backman
© + (p) Nephilim 1998
Texas Faggott
N.R. 23021
A1. Kossi kuittaa [7:25]
B1. Paska [5:39]
B2. Henkien Talo [5:18]All Trax written and produced by
Cabdriving DJ-Francis Faggott
Part-Time-Postman-Seppo Hassio and
Texas Faggott-Pentti Slayer also
featuring Mac'e on track 3(p) + © Nephilim 1998
Nephilim Records
Obere Hohl 22
65620 Ellar / Germany
Phone: 0049 (0) 6436 94061
Fax: 0049 (0) 6436 94062
SPINEFARM (Helsinki, Finland)
Promo Sampler
SPI 199701. The Elevators: 3 AM (3:51)
(T. Puranen)
02. Morris Brown: Ooh! *Freestyle Man Rub (6:16)
03. Morris Brown: Keep Ya Head *Freestyle Man Dubb (6:00)
04. Monoformia: Parallax (4:10)
(Jussi Paalanen)
05. Monoformia: Binary Three (4:48)
06. Flavor Unit: Gotta Find Out (4:24)
(Sampo Hänninen, voc. Delice)
07. Flavor Unit: Tell Me (4:56)
(Sampo Hänninen, voc. Delice)
08. Virgo: Are You Satisfied (4:59)
(Krister Orre, Rauli Eskolin)
09. Virgo: Cry Monotone (3:47)
(Krister Orre, Rauli Eskolin)
10. Missing Link: Hold Me (6:34)
(Sampo Hänninen)
11. Missing Link: Love Light (5:25)
(Sampo Hänninen, voc. Delice)
12. S66 / 22R: Metro Remix (4:55)
(M. Laiho, H. Nieminen)
12. Track'N'Field: Subway (9:50)
(Roberto Rodriguez, Jukka Kaartinen)